A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. Most commonly, after placement of amalgam restoration patient complains from pain with:
A. Hot.
B. Cold
C. Occlusal pressure.
D. Galvanic shock
2. In Class V composite restorations a layer of bonding agent is applied:
A. Following removal of cement then cured
B. Following removal of cement and not cured.
C. Cured then remove cement
D. None of these
3. Before filling a class V abrasion cavity with GIC you should,
A. Clean with pumice, rubber cup, water and weak acid
B. Dry the cavity thoroughly before doing anything
C. Acid itch cavity then dry thoroughly
D. All of these
4. Floss used to:
A. Remove Interproximal plaque.
B. Remove overhangs.
C. Stimulate gingival
D. None of these
5. The x- ray of choice to detect the proximal caries of the anterior teeth is:
A. Periapical x-ray
B. Bitewing x-ray.
C. Occlusal x-ray.
D. None of these
6. Use of miswak and toothbrush:
A. Toothbrush after meals and miswak at prayer time and when out of home.
B. Miswak and toothbrush must be used together.
C. Use the miswak only when they can not afford to buy the toothbrush and toothpaste.
D. Not use the miswak and use the toothbrush instead
7. Currently the only effective preventive measure for periodontal disease, apart from limited use of antiseptic solutions, is:
A. Regular and rough removal of dental plaque.
B. Salt fluoridation.
C. Dental health education
D. None of these
8. Which of the following would be clinically un acceptable as a primary of isolating a tooth for sealant placement:
A. Cotton roll.
B. Rubber dam.
C. VAC-ejector moisture control system.
D. None of the above
9. Best treatment of choice for carious exposure of a primary molar in a 3 year old child who complain of toothache during and after food taking:
A. Direct pulp capping with caoh.
B. Direct pulp capping with zao paste.
C. Formocresol pulpotomy
D. Caoh pulpotomy
10. Removal of Undermined Enamel in Class II cavity is done by :
A. Chisel
B. Angle former
C. Excavator
D. All of these
11. Difference between Gracey and universal curette:
A. Section of gracey is hemicircular and in universal triangular.
B. Gracey has one cutting edge while universal has two.
C. Gracey Used for cutting in specific area while universal is in any area.
D. All of these
12. All of these are right ways to handle the instrument EXCEPT ?
A. Modified pen handle.
B. Inverted pen.
C. Pen handle.
D. Palm and thumb
13. Formicrisol when used should be:
A. Full Saturated.
B. Half saturated.
C. Fifth saturated
D. None of the above
14. Hand instrument which we used to make internal angles retentive grooves and preparation of cavity walls in the cavity is:
A. Angle former
B. Chisel.
C. File.
D. Enamel hatched
15. After trauma a tooth become yellowish in color, this is due to:
A. Necrotic pulp.
B. Irreversible pulpitis.
C. Pulp is partially or completely obliterated
D. Hemorrhage in the pulp
16. Formation of periodontal cyst due to:
A. Nasolacrimal cyst.
B. Hertiwigs
C. Epithelial rest of malassaz.
D. Peals of serres
17. ompomer restorative materials are:
A. Glass ionomer with polymer components
B. Resin systems with fluoride containing glasses
C. Composite resin for cervical restorations only
D. All of these
18. Biological width:
A. 1 mm.
B. 2 mm.
C. 3 mm.
D. 4 mm
19. Amount of G.P should after post preparation:
A. 1 mm.
B. 4-5 mm
C. 10 mm.
D. None of these
20. Maximum time elapsed before condensation of amalgam after titration:
A. 1 minute.
B. 3 minutes
C. 6 minutes.
D. 9 minutes
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