A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. Which of the following statements best explains the external sphincter urethrae
A. Smooth muscle
B. Innervated by the perineal nerve
C. Lying between the perineal membrane and Colles’ fascia
D. Part of the pelvic diaphragm
2. Musculi pectinati is embryologicaly derived from:
A. primitive atrium
B. sinous venosus
C. sulcus terminalis
D. crista terminalis
3. Trendelenberg's test is positive in following conditions EXCEPT
A. dislocation of hip
B. fracture neck femur
C. paralysis of gluteus medius
D. paralysis of gluteus maximus
4. Which of the following is a site for anastomosis between external carotid and internal carotid artery?
A. Lateral angle of the mouth
B. Angle of mandible
C. Condyle of mandible
D. Medial angle of eye
5. Chromosome constitution of secondary oocyte is
A. 23, Y
B. 23,X
C. 46,XY
D. 46,XX
6. Facial nerve gives out secretomotor fibres to all of the following except
A. Lacrimal gland
B. Parotid gland
C. Submandibular gland
D. Nasal glands
7. Greater vein of Galen is formed by:
A. Superior sagittal sinus wid straight sinus
B. Inf. sagittal wid straight sinus
C. Internal cerebral veins
D. basilar veins
8. Most common muscle to be congenitally absent is
A. Pectoralis major
B. Teres minor
C. Semimembranosus
D. Gastrocnemius
9. In complete unilateral damage to Hypoglossal nerve, all are true EXCEPT
A. Atrophy on affected side
B. Deviation of tongue towards the site of lesion
C. Deviation of Larynx to the contralateral side during swallowing
D. Loss of tactile sensation on tongue on affected side
10. Os trigonum is which type of epiphysis:
A. Aberrant
B. Atavistic
C. Pressure
D. Traction
11. In children, the head of femur is supplied by all of the following arteries except
A. Nutrient artery
B. Medial circumflex artery
C. Artery of the ligamentum teres
D. Obturator artery
12. Which of the following is not true about the phrenic nerve?
A. It contains C-3, C-4, C-5 fibers
B. It supplies the diaphragm
C. The left phrenic nerve crosses the internal thoracic artery at a higher level than the right
D. None of these
13. Triangle Of Koch represents
A. S.A node
B. Septa! site of A.V node and associated juxtaglomerular bundles
C. Site of coronary occlusion
D. None of these
14. Muscle derived from 2nd arch of mesoderm is
A. medial pterygoid
B. lateral pterygoid
C. buccinator
D. masseter
15. Which of the following tendons passes below the sustenticulum tali
A. Tibialis Anterior
B. Tibilias Posterior
C. Flexor Digtorum Longus
D. Flexor Hallucis longus
16. Following pairs describe the muscles producing flexion at elbow joint & their respective nerve. Choose the wrong pair
A. Biceps brachic Musculoculaneous nerve
B. Brachiradialis: Median nerve
C. Flexor carpi ulnaris: Ulnar nerve
D. Flexor carpi radialis. Median nerve
17. Jugular foramen transmits all except
A. Inferior petrosal sinus
B. Cranial nerves 9.10 and 11
C. Lesser petrosal nerve
D. Internal jugular vein
18. The urogenital diaphragm is formed by the following structures except :
A. Deep transverse perineal muscle
B. Perineal membrane
C. Sphincter urethrae
D. Colles fascia
19. Posterior cord of brachial plexus gives following branches EXCEPT;
A. thoracodorsal
B. axillary
C. suprascapular
D. subscapular
20. Following are the contents of middle ear cavity EXCEPT;
A. incus
B. stapedius
C. chorda tympani
D. facial nerve
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