A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. Plant cell kept in hypertonic solution will get
A. Lysed
B. Turgid
C. Deplasmolysed
D. Plasmoysed
2. Each granum possesses how many thylakoids?
A. 02-100
B. 90-93
C. 19-89
D. 19-38
3. The rate at which the heart beats per minute in an adult averages
A. 60
B. 72
C. 84
D. 96
4. Sustentacular cells are found in
A. brain of rabbit and are concerned with memory
B. liver of vertebrates and are secretory
C. kidney of frog and are excretory
D. testis of rabbit and are nutritive
5. Petiole is modified into tendril in
A. Passiflora
B. Gloriosa
C. Pisum
D. clematis
6. For the synthesis of new protein and protein transport which organelle is related?
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Chloroplast
C. Mitichondria
D. Lysosome
7. Which asexual reproduction process is seen in bacteria?
A. Budding
B. Sporulation
C. Fragmentation
D. Fission
8. The number of meiotic divisions required to produce 400 seeds in a pea plant is.....
A. 200
B. 700
C. 500
D. 400
9. Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy when compared to flesh of other animals because fish contains :
A. polyunsaturated fatty acids
B. saturated fatty acids
C. essential vitamins
D. more carbohydrates and proteins
10. During which phase can nucleolus be observed clearly ?
A. Metaphase-II
B. Early Prophase
C. Anaphase
D. Metaphase
11. State importance of iron ?
A. Required for activation of Carboxyalase enzyme
B. Required for the structure of Ferodoxin
C. Required for the photolysis of H2O during photosynthesis
D. Required for the absorption and metabolism of Ca
12. Fructose 1,6 biphosphate splits into
13. In pheretima locomotion occurs with help of
A. circular muscles
B. longitudinal muscles and setae
C. circular, longitudinal muscles and setae
D. parapodia
14. In bacteria, genes for antibiotic resistance are usually located in
A. Plasmids
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Nucleus
15. Which group is for common fresh water fishes
A. Rohu, mrigal, catia
B. Catla, rohu, mackerel
C. Mrigal, mackerel, pomfrets
D. Major carp, hilsa, sardin
16. Blood sucking animalis
A. Neris
B. Earthworm
C. a & b
D. Leech
17. Contraction of right ventricle pumps blood into
A. Dorsal aorta
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Pulmonary vein
D. Coronary artery
18. Who proposed that new cells arise through cell division of pre-existing cells
A. Robert Hook
B. Rudolf Virchow
C. Robert Brown
D. Singer
19. The source of oxygen liberated in photosynthesis is
A. Carbon dioxide
B. A photosynthetic enzyme
C. Water
D. Carbohydrate already present in leaf
20. Which pair contains maximum diversity and endemic species in India ?
A. Sunderban and runn of Kutch
B. Eastern Ghat and West Bangal
C. East Himalaya and Western Ghat
D. Kerala and Punjab
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