Test Your Knowledge - Free MCQ PRACTICE
by Dr K Chaudhry
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For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :

1. Parking is prohibited on
A. A foot path
B. On a one-way road
C. On a main road
D. All of these

2. Mobile phones should not be used
A. At home
B. In office
C. While driving a vehicle
D. None of these

3. Overtaking is not allowed when
A. When the road is wide enough
B. When the road ahead is not visible clearly
C. The road has no potholes
D. None of these

4. A learner’s license is valid for a period of
A. 30 days
B. 6 months
C. Until a driving licence is availed
D. None of these

5. Overtaking when the vehicle approaches a bend is
A. Not allowed
B. Allowed
C. Allowed with caution
D. All of these

6. Parking in front of a hospital is
A. Not correct
B. Correct
C. Depends on the situation
D. All of these

7. A learner’s license is valid for a period of
A. 30 days
B. 6 months
C. Until a driving licence is availed
D. None of these

8. When you are driving near a school what should you do?
A. Sound your horn constantly
B. Reduce your speed
C. Accelerate to leave the area quickly
D. Turn your lights on full beam

9. Boarding in and alighting from vehicles when it is in motion is
A. Allowed in autos
B. Allowed in buses
C. Prohibited in all vehicles
D. None of these

10. You are driving on a dark road at night when you see another vehicle approaching. What should you do?
A. Swich to low beam headlights
B. Sound your horn long and hard
C. Turn off headlights
D. Switch to high beam headlights

11. You can overtake a vehicle that is in the front
A. Through the left side of the vehicle ahead
B. Through the right side of the vehicle ahead
C. If the road is wide enough
D. None of these

12. You are driving on a dark road at night when you see another vehicle approaching. What should you do?
A. Swich to low beam headlights
B. Sound your horn long and hard
C. Turn off headlights
D. Switch to high beam headlights

13. Minimum age for availing a license to drive a motor vehicle without gear is
A. 16 years
B. 21 years
C. 18 years
D. All of these

14. Honking is prohibited near
A. Places of religious worship such as Temple, Mosque and Churches
B. Hospitals, Court of Law
C. Near Police Stations
D. None of these

15. If an ambulance is approaching
A. No preference should be given
B. Provide passage if there are no vehicles on the other side
C. Allow free passage by moving to the side of the road
D. None of these

16. What is the validity of a Pollution Certificate?4 months
A. 12 months
B. 8 months
C. 20 months
D. None of these

17. Fog lamps should be used when
A. There is mist
B. At night
C. When the vehicle opposite is not using the dim light
D. All of these

18. If a vehicle is parked on the side of a road at night
A. The vehicle should be locked
B. Park light should remain on
C. All of the above
D. None of these

19. Pedestrians are not allowed to cross the road close to stopped vehicles or near sharp bends because
A. It is an inconvenience to oncoming vehicles
B. It is inconvenient to other pedestrians
C. Drivers of approaching vehicles may not be able to see them
D. None of these

20. If a driver of a two wheeler is turning to the left, he/she should
A. Extend the right hand and give the left turn signal
B. Not give any signal
C. Extend the left hand and give the left turn signal
D. All of these

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