A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. The ESD of a real valued energy signal is always ________
A. An even (symmetric) function of frequency
B. An odd (non-symmetric) function of frequency
C. A function that is odd and half-wave symmetric
D. None of the above
2. According to Rayleighs theorem, it becomes possible to determine the energy of a signal by________
A. Estimating the area under the square root of its amplitude spectrum
B. Estimating the area under the square of its amplitude spectrum
C. Estimating the area under the one-fourth power of its amplitude spectrum
D. Estimating the area exactly half as that of its amplitude spectrum
3. Where is the ROC defined or specified for the signals containing causal as well as anti-causal terms?
A. Greater than the largest pole
B. Less than the smallest pole
C. Between two poles
D. Cannot be defined
4. With respect to time, ________is the rate of change
A. Amplitude
B. Time
C. Frequency
D. Voltage
5. In RLC circuits the state variables generally selected are
A. voltages across capacitors
B. currents through resistances and voltages across capacitors
C. currents through resistances and capacitances
D. currents through inductances and voltages across capacitances
6. Which result is generated/ obtained by the addition of a step to a ramp function ?
A. Step function of zero slope
B. Ramp function of zero slope
C. Ramp Function shifted by an amount equal to step
D. Step Function shifted by an amount equal to ramp
7. Which property of periodic signal in DTFS gets completely clarified / identified by the equation x (n n0 )?
A. Conjugation
B. Time Reversal
C. Frequency Shifting
D. Time Shifting
8. Duality Theorem / Property of Fourier Transform states that _________
A. Shape of signal in time domain & shape of spectrum can be interchangeable
B. Shape of signal in frequency domain & shape of spectrum can be interchangeable
C. Shape of signal in time domain & shape of spectrum can never be interchangeable
D. Shape of signal in time domain & shape of spectrum can never be interchangeable
9. FIR digital filter having __________ stability than FIR filter.
A. good stability
B. poor stability
C. stability not guarnteed
D. poor stability
10. What is the value of an area under the conditional PDF ?
A. Greater than 0 but less than 1
B. Greater than 1
C. Equal to 1
D. Infinite
11. Baseband transmission of a digital signal is possible only if we have a ____ channel.
A. low-pass
B. bandpass
C. low rate
D. high rate
12. For a ______ channel,the Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical maximum bit rate.
A. noisy
B. noiseless
C. bandpass
D. low-pass rate
13. Which one of the following is correct? Energy of a power signal is
A. finite
B. zero
C. infinite
D. Zero to Infinity
14. The integral of k u(t) is
A. 1/k ?(t)
B. k ?(t)
C. a ramp of slope 1/k
D. a ramp of slope k
15. A time invariant system is a system whose output
A. vanishes with a delay in input
B. remains same with a delay in input
C. decreases with a delay in input
D. increases with a delay in input
16. For a second order system, damping ratio ? is such that 0 < ? <. Then the roots of characteristic equation are
A. real but not equal
B. imaginary
C. complex conjugate
D. real and equal
17. A sine wave in the ______ domain can be represented by one single spike in the _____ domain.
A. time; frequency
B. frequency; time
C. time; phase
D. phase; time
18. Under which conditions does an initially relaxed system become unstable ?
A. only if bounded input generates unbounded output
B. only if bounded input generates bounded output
C. only if unbounded input generates unbounded output
D. only if unbounded input generates bounded output
19. Damped sinusoids are _____
A. sinusoid signals multiplied by growing exponentials
B. sinusoid signals divided by growing exponentials
C. sinusoid signals multiplied by decaying exponentials
D. sinusoid signals divided by decaying exponentials
20. According to the time-shifting property of Laplace Transform, shifting the signal in time domain corresponds to the ______
A. Multiplication by e-st0 in the time domain
B. Multiplication by e-st0 in the frequency domain
C. Multiplication by est0 in the time domain
D. Multiplication by est0 in the frequency domain
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