Test Your Knowledge - Free MCQ PRACTICE
by Dr K Chaudhry
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For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :

1. It is recommended to avoid an intraligamental injection when the planned dental treatment is:
A. Pulp extirpation.
B. Pulpotomy
C. Full crown preparation.
D. A and B

2. The correct access cavity preparation for the mandibular second molar is:
A. Oval.
B. Quadrilateral.
C. Round.
D. Triangular

3. Actual destruction of the micro organism in root canal attributed mainly to:
A. Proper antibiotic therapy.
B. Effective use of medicaments.
C. Natural defenses in healthy person.
D. Mechanical preparation and irrigation of the canal

4. A 20 years old male patient came with severe pain on chewing related to lower molars. Intraoral examination reveals no caries, good oral hygiene, no change in radiograph. PT give history of bridge cementation 3 days ago. Diagnosis:
A. Pulp necrosis.
B. Acute apical periodontitis
C. Chronic apical abscess.
D. None of these

5. Among the reasons that molar teeth are more difficult to treat It Endo than anterior teeth:
A. Molar have more complex canal configuration.
B. Molar tend to have greater canal curvature.
C. A and B
D. None of these

6. Which of the following endodontic failure may be retreated only with surgery:
A. Missed major canal.
B. Persistent interappointment pain.
C. Past and core
D. Short canal filling

7. If the maxillary first molar is found to have four, the fourth canal is likely found:
A. In the disto-buccal root.
B. In the mesio-buccal root
C. In the palatal root.
D. None of these

8. Sensitivity to palpation and percussion indicates:
A. Reversible pulpitis.
B. Irreversible pulpitis.
C. Hyperplastic pulpitis.
D. Inflammation of the periradicular tissues

9. Amount of G.P should after post preparation:
A. 1 mm.
B. 4-5 mm
C. 10 mm.
D. None of these

10. Treatment of internal resorption involves:
A. Complete extirpation of the pulp to arrest the resorption process
B. Enlarging the canal apical to the resorbed area for better access.
C. Utilizing a silver cone and sealer to fill the irregularities in the resorbed area.
D. Filling the canal and defect with amalgam

11. The radiographic criteria used for evaluating the successes of endodontic therapy
A. Reduction of the size of the periapical lesion
B. No response to percussion and palpation test.
C. Extension of the sealer cement through lateral canals.
D. None of these

12. The accesses opening for a maxillary premolar is most frequently:
A. Oval
B. Square.
C. Triangular.
D. None of these

13. A patient with severe periradicular pain has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis:
A. Acute apical periodontitis.
B. Chronic apical periodontitis.
C. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis
D. Abscess

14. Which of the following is the longest in the dental arch:
A. Maxiliary central incisor.
B. Maxiliary second premolar.
C. Mandibular canine.
D. Maxiliary canine

15. The irrigation solution is good because:
A. Lubricate the canals.
B. Flushes the debris and minimizing the No. of micro organism.
C. None of these.
D. All of these

16. Spontaneous pulpal pain is indicative of:
A. Reversible pulpitis.
B. Irreversible pulpitis
C. Hyperplastic pulp.
D. Atrophic pulp

17. If tooth or root is pushed during surgical extraction into Max Sinus:
A. Leave it and inform the patient
B. Remove it as soon as possible
C. Follow the Pt for 3 months.
D. None of these

18. The basic difference between K files and reamers is:
A. The number of spirals or flutes per unit length.
B. The geometric cross section
C. The depth of flutes.
D. The direction of the spirals

19. Actual destruction of micro-organisms in the root canal is attributed mainly to:
A. Proper antibiotic thereby.
B. Effective use of medicament.
C. Mechanical preparation and irrigation of the canal
D. None of these

20. The normal response of a inflamed pulp to the thermal testing is:
A. No response.
B. Lingering painful response.
C. Hypersensitive painful response.
D. Painful response that disappears soon after stimulus is removed

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