A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. 25 year old man with 3 weeks fever presented with tricuspid valve vegetation. Most common cause is? MC cause of Endocorditis in I.V. drug abuses
A. Candida albicans
B. Streptococcus viridans
C. Pseudomonas
D. Staph aureus
2. Alkali is neutralized by
A. Nitric Acid,
B. Vinegar
C. Sulphuric Acid,
D. Hydrochloric Acid,
3. Antemortem burn differ from postmortem burns by all except
A. inflammatory red line
B. Pus in vesicle
C. Vesicle with hyperemic base
D. Vesicle containing air
4. Which of the following drug is used for Narcoanalysis?
A. Phenobarbitone
B. Pethidine
C. Atropine
D. Scopolamine
5. A man was found with suicidal shot on right temple. The gun was in his right han
A. The skull was burst open. There was charring and cherry red coloration in the track inside. What can be said about shot?
B. Contact Shot
C. Close shot at a distance of one feet from hand-
D. Shot within range of smoking
6. The most important sign of age determination as per Gustafson's method is
A. Root transparency
B. Root attrition
C. Root resorption
D. Paradentosis
7. A teacher slapped a 6th standard student after which she suffered from 25% hearing loss in left ear. This was corrected after a surgery. Which type of injury is this?
A. Dangerous
B. Grievous
C. Serious
D. Simple
8. Apoplexy is the term used for
A. Cerebral congestion
B. Cerebral ischaemia
C. Cerebral anoxia
D. Cerebral concussion
9. In Breslau's second life test, organ tested is
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Lung
D. Stomach and Intestine
10. Regarding clostridium perfringens gas gangrene false is?
A. Food poisoning strains of clostridium perfringens produces heatresistant spores
B. Most important toxin is hyaluronidase
C. Naegler reaction positive
D. Clostridium perfringens is the most common cause of gas gangrene
11. Regarding campylobacterium jejuni not true is?
A. Most common cause of compylobacteriosis
B. Human is the only reservoir
C. Cause of Guillain Barre syndrome
D. Poultry is the cause of disease
12. Which of the following bullets leaves a visible mark, so that a person can see it:
A. Tracer bullet
B. Tandem bullet
C. Incendiary bullet
D. Dum dum bullet
13. All of the following are true about methanol poisoning, Except:
A. Methanol causes snow field vision
B. Fomepizole is a competitive inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase
C. Minimum lethal dose of methanol is 1.25ml/kg body weight
D. Formic acid is mainly responsible for toxicity
14. Cross examination of prosecution witness is done by,
A. Prosecutor form Outside,
B. Defense Lawyer,
C. Public Prosecutor,
D. Police.
15. According to recent Supreme Court Judgment, Doctor can be charged for Medical Negligence under 304-A, only if :
A. If he is from corporate hospital
B. If negligence is from inadvertent error
C. Res Ipsa Loquitor
D. Gross Negligence
16. A person is liable for punishment for perjury which is defined under?
A. Section 190 IPC
B. Section 191 IPC
C. Section 192 IPC
D. Section 193 IPC
17. 25 year old man with 3 weeks fever presented with tricuspid valve vegetation. Most common cause is? MC cause of Endocorditis in I.V. drug abuses
A. Pseudomonas
B. Candida albicans
C. Streptococcus viridans
D. Staph aureus
18. The feminine of impotence is:
A. Rigidity
B. Frigidity
C. Sterility
D. Flaccidity
19. A woman consumes several tabs of Amytryptalline. All of the following can be done except?
A. Sodium Phenobarbitone infusion for alkalization of urine
B. Gastric Lavage
C. Diazepam for seizure control
D. Atropine as antidote
20. A woman died within 5 years of marriage under suspicious circumstances. Her parents complained that her in laws used to frequently demand for dowry. Under which of the following sections can a magistrate authorize autopsy of the case:
A. Section 174 CrPc
B. Section 304 IPC
C. Section 302 IPC
D. Section 176 CrPc
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