Test Your Knowledge - Free MCQ PRACTICE
by Dr K Chaudhry
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For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :

1. Pseudotumor Cerebri is seen in
A. Obese Female of 20-40 years
B. Obese Male of 20-40 years
C. Thin Female of 50-60 years
D. Thin Male of 50-60 years

2. Which scientific principle is the basis for Thermodilution method used in measurement of cardiac output by Pulmonary Catheter?
A. Hagen-Poisseuille Principle
B. Stewart-Hamilton Principle
C. Bernoulli's Principle
D. Universal Gas Equation

3. The acid base status of a patient reveals a pH=7.45 and pCO2=30 mmHg. The patient has partially compensated
A. Metabolic Acidosis
B. Metabolic Alkalosis
C. Respiratory Alkalosis -
D. Respiratory Acidosis

4. Most common type Spinocerebral Ataxia in India is
A. SCA 1
B. SCA 2
C. SCA 3
D. SCA 4

5. In a patient with history of jaundice, pruritis and clay-colored stools, which of the following enzyme level is expected to be markedly elevated:
A. Alkaline aminotransferase.
B. Alkaline phosphatase.
C. Aspartate aminotransferase.
D. Lactate dehydrogenase

6. A fifty year old man presents in emergency ward with central chest pain. On examination his blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg and pulse is 106 per minute. He is pale and sweating profusely. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Esophagitis.
B. Myocardial infarction.
C. Pericarditis.
D. Pneumothorax

7. SLE, Anti TGFC antibody given. What can be seen in dermoepidermal junction?
A. Anti-Nuclear antibody
B. Immune-complex deposition
C. Anti-Collagen antibody
D. Anti-Epithelial Cell antibody

8. Reperfusion is useful for
A. Stunt myocardium
B. Hibernating myocardium
C. Non ischemic viable myocardium
D. Mixed ischemic myocardium

9. A 60 year old lady has progressive slowing of movements since 2 years. She has Rigidity and rectangular slow wave jerking movements. Most probable diagnosis is
A. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
B. Lewy-Body Dementia
C. Parkinsonism
D. Multiple System Atrophy

10. A young boy presents with history of fever, skin rash and diarrhea. Examination of oral cavity shows koplik spots on buccal mucosa. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Chicken pox.
B. Diphtheria.
C. Measles.
D. Small pox

11. In a patient with history of shortness of breath, which of the following sign indicates left heart failure:
A. Ascites.
B. Basal crepitations.
C. Dependant edema.
D. Engorged neck veins

12. A fifty year old man presents with dysphagia. Which of the following characteristic suggests a benign structure of esophagus:
A. Anaemia.
B. Cervical lymphadenopathy.
C. Dysphagia worse for solids.
D. Hoarseness of voice

13. A 9 yr old girl has difficulty in combing hairs and climbing upstairs since 6 / months. She has Gower’s sign positive and maculopapular rash over metacarphalangeal joints. What should be the next appropriate investigation to be done?
B. RA factor
C. Creatine kinase
D. Electromyography

14. The most common risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is:
A. Air pollution.
B. Coal mining.
C. Infection.
D. Tobacco smoke

15. In a patient with history of muscle cramps and carpopedal spasm. Which of the following serum electrolyte level is most likely to be low:
A. Calcium.
B. Chloride.
C. Magnesium.
D. Potassium

16. A forty year old diabetic man presents with history of sudden onset of pain in right loin which radiates towards right iliac fossa. It is associated with fever and vomiting. On examination tenderness is present in right loin. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Appendicitis.
B. Cholecystitis.
C. Diverticulitis.
D. Pyelonephritis

17. A thirty five year old man presents with history of low grade fever and cough for last three months. Examination of respiratory system is normal. A diagnosis of tuberculosis is made. Which of the following feature on chest X-ray suggests this diagnosis:
A. Cavitation.
B. Con solidation.
C. Hilar congestion.
D. Prominent bronchovascular marking

18. A sixteen year old girl presents with chronic diarrhea. Which o the following features suggests that she has irritable bowel syndrome:
A. Anaemia.
B. Abdominal pain relieved by defecation.
C. Blood in stools.
D. Nocturnal symptoms

19. A forty year old woman gives history of fever for last three weeks accompanied by dry cough, night sweats and weight loss. Chest examination is normal. Abdominal examination reveals hepatosplenomegaly. Chest X-ray shows symmetrically distributed fine nodules. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Military tuberculosis.
B. Chronic liver disease.
C. Malaria.
D. Pneumonia

20. A forty year old man gives history of high grade fever for last one week associated with cough productive of rusty sputum. Auscultation reveals bronchial breathing on right lower chest. Chest X-ray shows consolidation. The most likely causative organism is:
A. Anaerobic bacteria.
B. Gram negative bacilli.
C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
D. Streptococcus pneumoniae

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