A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. Stainless steel pin is used in amalgam for:
A. Increase retention
B. Increase resistance.
C. Increase streangth.
D. All of these
2. What is the cavo-surface angle of prep for amalgam restoration:
A. 30 degree
B. 60 degree
C. 90 degree
D. 130 degree
3. After finish class v glass-ionomer cement we do finishing with:
A. Pumice slurry.
B. Aluminum-oxide disc
C. Either of these
D. None of these
4. After class V GI restoration removal of a thin flush of GI is done by:
A. Scaller or knife immediately.
B. Finishing stone immediately.
C. Finishing stone later.
D. Both A and C
5. Selection of shade for composite is done:
A. Under light.
B. After drying tooth & isolation with rubber dam
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
6. When polishing the amalgam restoration:
A. Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste.
B. Wait 24 hours.
C. A and B
D. Neither of these
7. Patient complains from pain during mastication which had gold onlays. The pain could be due to:
A. Chemicals from cement.
B. High thermal conductivity of gold.
C. Related to periodontal ligament
D. Cracked tooth or fractured surface
8. Removal of Undermined Enamel in Class II cavity is done by :
A. Chisel
B. Angle former
C. Excavator
D. All of these
9. What can we use under composite restoration:
A. Calcium hydroxide
C. ZINC phosphate cement
D. All of these
10. In the preparation of cavity class II , for restoration with composite resin all Cavosurface angles should be:
A. Well rounded
B. Right angles.
C. Acute angles.
D. Obtuse angles
11. MOD amalgam restoration with deep mesial box, PT come with pain related to it after 1 month due to:
A. Pulp involvement
B. Supraocclusion.
C. Upon contact.
D. Gingival recession
12. Class II composite resin is lined by:
A. G.I
B. Reinforced ZOE.
C. ZOE with epoxy cement.
D. Cavity varnish
13. Silicate cement:
A. First tooth colored restoration material
B. It can be used as permanent filling.
C. It contains 12-25 % fluoride
D. A and C
14. After amalgam titrations, the mix should be placed within:
A. 1 min
B. 3 min
C. 5 min.
D. 10 min
15. In cavity preparation, the width of the cavity is:
A. 1/2 inter cuspal distance.
B. 1/3 inter cuspal distance
C. 2/3 inter cuspal distance.
D. None of these
16. To provide maximum strength of amalgam restoration the cavo-surface angles should not:
A. Approach 75 Image with outer surface.
B. Approach 90 Image with outer surface.
C. Be supported by sound dentine.
D. Be located in area free of occlusal stress
17. Indirect composite inlay has the following advantages over the direct composite EXCEPT:
A. Efficient polymerization.
B. Good contact proximally.
C. Gingival seal.
D. Price
18. It has been proven that amalgam restoration has the following characteristics:
A. Micro leakage decrease with aging of the amalgam restoration.
B. It is the least techniques sensitive of all current direct restorations.
C. High dimensional changes.
D. All of these
19. Calcium hydroxide is used in deep cavity because it is:
A. Simulate formation of 2nd dentine
B. Not irritant to the pulp.
C. For thermal isolation
D. All of these
20. Selection of shade for composite is done:
A. Under light.
B. After drying tooth and isolation with rubber dam.
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
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