A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. The kidney is swollen, the parenchyma bulges out through the cut portion of the capsule. It is pale in appearance due to compression of blood vessels by the swollen cells. The
A. Cloudy swelling
B. Hydropic degeneration
C. Hyaline degeneration
D. Fatty degeneration
2. Brown induration is a type of chronic venous congestion occuring in :
A. Liver
B. Heart
C. Lung
D. Kidney
3. What is the most important role of Bradykinin in acute inflammation?
A. Increase in vascular permeability
B. Vasodilatation
C. Mediation of pain
D. Bronchoconstriction
4. Marker for rhabdomyosarcoma
A. Desmin
B. Synaptophysin
C. Keratin
D. Synaptophysin
5. Chromophobe variant of renal cell carcinoma is associated with
A. VHL gene mutations
B. Trisomy of 7 and 17 (+7, +17)
C. 3 p deletions (3p-)
D. Monosomy of 1 and Y (-1, -Y)
6. Pulmonary hypertension causes hypertrophy of the :
A. Right ventricle
B. Left ventricle
C. Right atrium
D. Left atrium
7. Metastatic calcification may be induced by repeated injections of :
A. Calcium gluconate
B. Vitamin D
C. Adrenal corticoids
D. Parathyroid hormone
8. In diabetes mellitus the cells of the distal portion of proximal convoluted tubules contain :
A. Siderin
B. Amyloid
C. Glycogen
D. Mucoprotein
9. Commonest variety of acute inflammation is :
A. Purulent inflamation
B. Serous inflammation
C. Catarrhal inflammation
D. Necrotic inflammation
10. Melanin can be stained with :
A. Fontana stain
B. Methylene blue
C. Periodic acid schiff
D. Albert stain
11. Secondary amyloidosis may be seen in :
A. Addison's disease
B. Banti's syndrome
C. Marphan syndrome
D. Hodgkin's disease
12. Which of the following is not an example of a syndrome caused by uniparental disomy?
A. Prader-Willi syndrome
B. Angelman syndrome
C. Russell-Silver syndrome
D. Bloom syndrome
13. Pernicious anaemia is :
A. Microcytic hypochromic
B. Microcytic normochromic
C. Macrocytic hypochromic
D. Macrocytic normochromic
14. Which of the following changes is associated with irreversible cell damage?
A. glycogen depletion
B. flocculent densities in mitochondria
C. cellular swelling.
D. loss of microvilli
15. Electron microscopy is diagnostic in:
A. Goodpasture's syndrome
B. Alport's syndrome
C. Wegener's syndrome
D. Chung strauss syndrome
16. Primary granular contracted kidney is characteristic of :
A. Benign hypertensive nephrosclerosis
B. Malignant hypertensive nephrosclerosis
C. Senile nephrosclerosis
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
17. Aortitis is a common manifestation of :
A. Human tuberculosis
B. Bovine tuberculosis
C. Primary syphilis
D. Tirtiary syphilis
18. Hypercoagulation in nephritic syndrome is caused by
A. Loss of Antithrombin III
B. Decreased fibrinogen
C. Decreased metabolism of vitamin K
D. Increase in protein C
19. Cells filled with globules of myelin fat (foamy cells) are especially abundant in lesions of :
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Leprosy
D. Actinomycosis
20. Oedema is caused by fall in plasma proteins below :
A. 0.5%
B. 5%
C. 15%
D. 50%
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