A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. Histopathologically adenoid cystic carcinoma in characterized by islands of:
A. Basophilic islands of tumor cells that are intermingled with areas of pseudocartilage.
B. Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance
C. Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance and evidence of serous acini.
D. Basophilic islands of tumor cells that contain mucin and normal acini
2. Space loose occur in:
A. Proximal caries.
B. Early extraction.
C. Ankylosis.
D. All of the above
3. After trauma a tooth become yellowish in color, this is due to:
A. Necrotic pulp.
B. Irreversible pulpitis.
C. Pulp is partially or completely obliterated
D. Hemorrhage in the pulp
4. In 7 Years old patient, all first molars carious and suspected pit and fissure areas of the second molars. Treatment plan:
A. Restore all first molars and observe second molars.
B. Restore all first molars and topical fluoride on second molars.
C. Restore all first molars and seal pits and fissures of second molars
D. Restore first and second molars with composite
5. Fracture before 1 year of upper central incisor reach the pulp in 8 year old chil
A. How will you manage this case:
C. Apexification
D. Direct pulp capping.
6. In 6 years child with bilateral loss of deciduous molars & the anterior teeth not erupted yet , the space maintainer for choice is:
A. Lingual arch.
B. Bilateral band and loop.
C. Bilateral band and loop with distal shoe.
D. Removable partial denture
7. Which intracanal medicament causes protein coagulation:
A. Formocresol
B. Naocl.
C. Wad
D. Hydrogen peroxide
8. An 8 years old come with fractured Max incisor tooth with incipient exposed pulp after 30 min of the trauma , what’s the suitable Tx:
A. Pulpatomy.
B. Direct pulp capping
C. Pulpectomy.
D. Apexification
9. Formicrisol when used should be:
A. Full Saturated.
B. Half saturated.
C. Fifth saturated
D. None of the above
10. Which of the following would be clinically un acceptable as a primary of isolating a tooth for sealant placement:
A. Cotton roll.
B. Rubber dam.
C. VAC-ejector moisture control system.
D. None of the above
11. Hand over mouth technique is used in management of which child:
A. Mentally retarded.
B. Positive resistance.
C. Uncooperative.
D. Hysterical
12. When you want to give inferior alveolar block for a child you have to take attention that the mandibular foramina is :
A. At level of occlusal plane
B. Above the level of occlusal plane.
C. Anterior the level of occlusal plane.
D. Below the level of occlusal plane
13. Pain during injection of local anesthesia in children could be minimized by:
A. Slowly injection.
B. Talking to the child during injection.
C. Using long needle.
D. A and B
14. Formation of periodontal cyst due to:
A. Nasolacrimal cyst.
B. Hertiwigs
C. Epithelial rest of malassaz.
D. Peals of serres
15. Three year old pt , has anodontia (no teeth at all), what would you do:
A. Full denture
B. Implant.
C. Space maintainer.
D. No intervention
16. In primary tooth for restoration before putting the filling u put:
A. Base.
B. Calcium hydroxide.
C. Varnish.
D. You put the filling after proper cleaning and drying
17. Band and loop space maintainers is most suitable for the maintenance of space after premature loss of:
A. A single primary molar
B. Two primary molars.
C. A canine and a lateral incisor.
D. All of the above
18. Eruption cyst "Eruption Hematoma" can be treated by:
A. No treatment
B. Immediate incision.
C. Complete uncoverage.
D. Observe for one week then incise
19. A 5 years old patient lost his primary first maxillary molar the best retainer is:
A. Band and loop
B. Crown and loop.
C. Lingual arch.
D. Nance appliance
20. Child with mental disorder suffer from orofacial trauma, brought to the hospital by his parents, the child is panic and Irritable, the treatment should done under:
A. Local anesthesia.
B. General anesthesia
C. Gas sedation.
D. Intravenous sedation
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