A fresh set of 20 random questions is generated every time you open this page and every time you refresh it.For each of the following multiple choice questions, choose the most appropriate answer :
1. If light reflex is present and the accommodation reflex absent, then the lesion is most likely in the:
A. pretectal nucleus
B. ganglion cells
C. Edinger-Westphal nucleus
D. visual cortex
2. Which of the following is correct with regard to numbers of each of the following in the CNS?
A. neurons >> glia > synapses
B. glia >>> synapses >>> neurons
C. synapses >> glia > neurons
D. synapses >> neurons >> glia
3. Hypothalamus does not play a prominent role in the regulation of:
A. food and water intake
B. temperature
C. respiration
D. osmolality
4. The procedure in which the hindbrain and the spinal cord are separated from the rest of the brain by transection at the superior border of pons is called:
A. decortication
B. decerebration
C. deafferentation
D. rhizotomy
5. Which of the following is false
A. cardiac muscle contraction cannot be summated
B. skeletal muscle contraction may be summated
C. skeletal muscle control is neural
D. cardiac muscle control is neural only
6. The group of chemical messengers whose actions are known to be mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases includes:
A. angiotensin II, ANP and ET 1
D. insulin, EGF, IGF 1, PDGF
7. The series of membranous channels that surround each myofibril is the
A. Sarcolemma.
B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum.
C. Myolemma.
D. Sarcoplasm.
8. Most pancreatic zymogens are activated in the duodenal lumen by:
A. enterokinase (enteropeptidase)
B. trypsin
C. trypsin activator protein
D. All these
9. Body mass index is calculated as:
A. weight in pounds by height in meters
B. weight in kg by height in meters
C. weight in kg divided by square of height in meter squared
D. weight in kg divided by body surface area
10. In a healthy adult, ECF volume constitutes what fraction of body weight?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
11. All neural influences affecting muscle contraction ultimately funnel through:
A. ?-motor neurons
B. ?-motor neurons
C. corticospinal tract
D. basal ganglia
12. REM behavior disorder is primarily characterized by:
A. lack of REM sleep
B. day-time somnolence
C. absence of hypotonia during REM sleep
D. absence of PGO spikes during REM sleep
13. The Oral Rehydration Solution is helpful in rehydration in diarrheas because:
A. Na-glucose symporter is unaffected in toxigenic diarrheas
B. 1Na-1K-2Cl symporter is located only in the basolateral membrane
C. cAMP regulated Cl secretion is reduced
D. toxins inhibit facilitated glucose transport
14. In healthy female ovulation occurs when:
A. Before LH surge
B. After biphasic rise in basal body temp.
C. After follicular ripening by FSH
D. After cervical mucus breaks down
15. When a muscle is stimulated repeatedly for several seconds with a constant stimulus, the amount of tension gradually increases to a maximum. This phenomenon is called
A. Incomplete tetanus.
B. Complete tetanus.
C. A twitch.
D. Wave summation.
16. Which of the following enzymes protects the fetus from hyperthyroidism when the mother is hyperthyroid?
A. Type I deiodinase (5' deiodinase); outer ring deiodinase
B. Type 2 deiodinase (3' deiodinase)
C. Type 3 deiodinase (3,3,5 - deiodinase); inner ring deiodinase
D. Iodotyrosine deiodinase
17. If the intent is to replenish total body water in a dehydrated individual which of the following should be administered intravenously?
A. 0.9% NaCl
B. 5% dextrose solution
C. Albumin
D. 10% glucose solution
18. The latch-bridge mechanism in smooth muscle is responsible for:
A. fast muscle twitch
B. sustained muscle contraction
C. excitation-contraction coupling
D. unstable membrane potential
19. Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for
A. Muscle fatigue.
B. The conduction of neural stimulation to the muscle fiber.
C. Muscle contraction.
D. Muscle relaxation.
20. The pattern of intestinal motility that hastens transit of chyme in the small intestine in the digestive state is:
A. peristalsis
B. segmentation contraction
C. tonic contraction
D. migrating motor complex
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